
March 2016 Meeting

The next meeting is Wednesday evening, March 23 at the CPI School in Pleasant Gap. More talk about getting started in the new year, getting bees, and whatever else comes up. We'll have plenty of time for questions and answers. All are welcome, even if you are just exploring the possibility of keeping bees. Come out and meet some Centre County Beekeepers.

Meeting Date:

Wednesday, March 23 at 7:00


Central Pennsylvania Institute for Science and Technology (CPI)
540 North Harrison Rd
Pleasant Gap, PA


Getting bees, installing packages and nucs, and general discussion


  • Welcome to new beekeepers
  • Meeting schedule for the year
  • Getting bees
  • Getting started
  • Open discussion, question and answer session on topics raised by participants
NOTE: You will have the opportunity to order bees at this meeting. You’ll be able to order nucs (cash only) and there may still be some packages available. We will discuss the details at the meeting, but if you want to buy bees this year, this is a great opportunity.

1 comment:

stevenjared0853 said...

Thanks for sharing this informative post! I too wanted to attend this March meeting but couldn’t make it this time. But will definitely attend their next monthly meeting which will be held at an event venue quite near to my home.