Join the Mailing List (Listserv)

The CCBA listserv enables our members to communicate with each other on all issues related to bees. If you have a question or know of a swarm waiting to be collected, you can post a message to this list.

How it works

  1. You control your subscription to the list.

  2. As a subscriber, you have permission to post to the list. Anything you post is distributed to all subscribers.

  3. If you don't want to get any more emails from the list, you can sign off at any time.

How to get started

Follow the steps below to manage your subscription.
  1. Create a new email message to: (make sure you use the email account you wish to subscribe with)

  2. The Subject Line can be empty

  3. The body of the message should have ONLY the following command: SUBSCRIBE CENTRE-COUNTY-BEEKEEPERS-L

  4. For example:


  5. There should be nothing else in the body

  6. When you send that email message, you should soon receive a confirmation message. Follow the instructions there (basically, click on the link to confirm).
That's it.

To remove yourself from the list

Repeat the process above, but in the body of the email enter:


To post a message to the list, send an email to: CENTRE-COUNTY-BEEKEEPERS-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU

Proper etiquette is expected at all times. Treating others with disrespect, spamming the list with advertisements or using the list for purposes other than those for which it is intended are examples of unacceptable behavior. We reserve the right to revoke reading and/or posting privileges to those who are not good citizens.


John MacMillen said...
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John MacMillen said...

Does anyone know Heath Stouts phone number? I need some help with my hives.

Unknown said...

I have two bee hives in the side of my house I need assistance in removing them. Also I would like to know If it's reasonable to move them to a local hive. I have 0 experience but I'm willing to learn.
814 574 2986

Unknown said...


We suddenly have honey bees swarming in our garage and making their way into the walls of our home. Can someone help us with this? We live in Bellefonte.

Thank you,

Shannon Nicosia

Unknown said...

I need some help removing a hive from the side of my house. I don't want to just spray. I can be reached 814 574 2886 or

John MacMillen said...

I am in need of a queen. I am waiting to hear back from Sam Huff, but it may be a long shot.

Beauregard Shryke said...

Does this group still exist? I live in State College, thinking about getting a hive. Who should I talk to?