
 Hi all - many of you have asked about beekeeping classes for beginners (and others) so here are a few - please send others that you might know of to the listserv:

Western PA Beekeeping Seminar:  Feb. 17th;  https://friendraising.donorpro.com/campaigns/403

Penn State Extension - online course;  https://extension.psu.edu/beekeeping-101

Beekeeping - Beginners; Jan. 31, 2018; 5:30-7p  at The Barn in Lemont; https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beekeeping-101-tickets-41972263169

Beginning Beekeeping - offered through Beaver Valley Beekeepers Association neat Pittsburgh:  http://www.beavervalleybees.net/training-opportunities/

Hope to see all of you at our first club meeting - Feb. 21 at 7p at CPI in Pleasant Gap

Dee & Nellie

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