The June meeting will focus on mid-summer management, harvesting honey and our usual general discussion and Q&A.
Meeting Date:
Saturday, June 15 at 2:00Location:
Butch Hanley’s Apiary254 Spearing St
Howard, PA
- From Rt. 150 coming into Howard, go straight under red light. Approximately 300 yards on right is the town park and walking path. The next street to the right is Spearing St. Turn right and Butch's is the fifth house on the left — almond color siding and red roof.
- From Rt. 26 as you're coming into Howard, you will cross railroad bridge. After crossing bridge take the second street to left.
Mid-summer managementAgenda:
- New business
- Next meeting
- Main topic of discussion (as outlined above)
- Open discussion, question and answer session on topics raised by participants
- Hive inspection
We need hosts for the upcoming meetings in July, August or September. This is your chance to become an active participant in the club and get some feedback on your colonies from experienced beekeepers. If you are willing and able to host a meeting at your apiary, please send us an email.
Other NotesKaty Evans is a graduate student at the University of Delaware who is working on a Master’s degree and her project focuses on helping the local beekeeping community reduce and better manage mite populations and varroa vectored viruses in a non-chemical fashion. She has created survey to find out the strategies beekeepers are using to control for mites. If you are so inclined to help her out, complete her survey. It should only take about 5 minutes.
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