
July 2016 Meeting

We're back in Bellefonte this month as we visit the apiary of Nancy Noll. We will get to see Nancy's bees and — as always — allow time at the beginning of the meeting to try to answer some of your beekeeping questions. Come out and meet some Centre County Beekeepers.

Meeting Date:

Saturday, July 23 at 2:00


The Queen Apiary
176 East Linn St
Bellefonte, PA 16823


Coming up High St toward the courthouse, turn right onto Allegheny. At the second light (in front of the elementary school) turn right. The house is at the end of the block. Large yellow house with a sign out front "The Queen, a Victorian Bed and Breakfast."


Summer management, mites, starting to think about winter


  • Next month's meeting
  • Open discussion, question and answer session on topics raised by participants
  • Hive inspection.
If you want a seat, bring a chair.

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