
June 2015 Meeting

Butch and Linda Hanley will host this month's meeting at their bee yard in Howard. We’ll discuss summer management and do our best to answer your questions. We're also hoping for an appearance from our area's apiary inspector, Jim Blasko. Jim is a great resource and always helpful.

Meeting Date:

Saturday, June 27th at 2:00


The Hanley Apiary
254 Spearing St
Howard, PA

 - From Rt. 150 coming into Howard, go straight under red light. Approximately 300 yards on right is the town park and walking path. The next street to the right is Spearing St. Turn right and Butch's is the fifth house on the left — almond color siding and red roof.

 - From Rt. 26 as you're coming into Howard, you will cross railroad bridge. After crossing bridge take the second street to left.


Mid-summer management, mites, hive treatments


  • Upcoming Meetings
  • This month's topic
  • Open discussion, question and answer session on topics raised by participants
  • Hive inspection
If you want a seat, bring a chair.

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